

Swingset Maintenance

Wooden swing sets need to be maintained yearly and throughout the time you have the play set in your yard. You should always be familiar with the equipment your children are playing on. Know when something is loose it needs to be tightened or if something breaks it needs to be checked and possibly replaced.

Here are some easy tips to keeping your play set safe and looking great for the years to come:

  • Check the hardware for tightening (be careful not to over tighten)
  • Sand down parts that begin to splinter
  • Protect the wood with an oil based stain yearly
  • Replace any deteriorating wood parts
  • Make sure the play set is level.
  • Use wood putty to fill in carpenter bee holes

If you are not able to maintain the play set by yourself; you can email us to get a quote on maintenance service! Email a photo of your set, your name, address and phone number and a brief message to

Our maintenance package includes:

  • Hardware Tightening
  • Oil Swing Hangers
  • Spot sanding
  • Fill in carpenter bee holes
  • Safety Inspection
  • Brush on an oil based semi transparent stain

Trampoline Maintenance

Each manufacturer is different please refer to your owner’s manual or the manufacturer’s web site for specific maintenance suggestions. Here are some steps to take to maintain a safe trampoline experience.

  • Keep jump area clear of debris
  • Inspect the trampoline periodically for damage
  • Address any found damage by contacting the manufacturer
  • Remove heavy snow from jump mats. Do so carefully; not to damage mat
  • Never jump on a damaged trampoline
  • Keep area under trampoline clear


Swing Set Warranties

All manufacturer’s warranties can be found on the manufacturer’s web site or in the owner’s manual given to you by your installer. Please be advised that shipping and labor cost for equipment warranties are never covered by the manufacturer or the retail store. Swingset Warehouse however does offer a 30 Day Labor warranty to all our customers when you purchase installation. To submit a warranty inquiry for your play set please send a photo of the whole set, photos of the damage, list of parts, your full name, address, phone number and a brief message to us. Email and we can submit the claim for you or direct you to what steps need to be taken.

Trampoline & Basketball Warranty

All manufacturer’s warranties can be found on the manufacturer’s web site or in the owner’s manual.

All claims for trampolines and basketballs must go through the manufacturer directly. Below is a list of numbers for these manufacturers.

Alley Oop and Jump Sport Trampolines – 1-888-567-5867

Springfree Trampolines – 1-877-586-7723

Goalsetter Basketballs – 1-800-362-4625

Goalrilla Basketballs – 1-800-467-1421

Installation & Yard Prep

Wooden Swing Set Yard Prep

    • Choose a spot in the shade to avoid hot slides if possible
    • Choose a spot 6’ from fencing, trees, bushes, walls etc.
    • Use a string level to check your slope

  • Slopes up to 3” is covered under a standard installation
  • 3” to 12” slopes will incur a leveling fee payable to your contractor the day of install up to $150
  • Over 12” slope you need to have the ground level prior to installation
  • Yard slopes 6” – 12” may limit layout options of the play set and may require alternations
  • Stay away from sprinkler systems to avoid damage over time
  • Add 8’ to your length and width of the play set dimension to create a minimum of 4’ safe play space around the set

If you plan to have mulch and borders installed, that must be done AFTER the installation.

Vinyl Specialty Swing Set Yard Prep

    • Choose a spot in the shade to avoid hot slides if possible
    • Choose a spot 6’ from fencing, trees, bushes, walls etc.
    • Use a string level to check your slope

  • Slopes up to 3-5” is covered under a standard installation
  • Over 5” slope you need to have the ground level prior to installation
  • If, on installation day your yard is not leveled within the 5” maximum slope; your installation will not be able to take place. Unit will be left at your house and you will be charged a fee up to $150 for installers to return
  • Add 8’ to your length and width of the play set dimension to create a minimum of 4’ safe play space around the set
  • If you plan to have mulch and borders installed, that must be done AFTER the installation

Trampoline Yard Prep

    • Choose a spot in the yard where there are not too many trees; to avoid excess debris in the trampoline that can cause injury or damage
    • Choose a spot 6’ from fencing, walls, trees, etc.
    • Use a string level to check your slope

  • Avoid installation near septic tanks and sprinkler systems
  • Add 4’ to 5’ to the trampoline size to create a safe play area around the trampoline
  • If you plan to have mulch and borders installed, that must be done AFTER the installation


Swingset and Basketball Moves

Moving? We have got you covered. Call us today for a quote. Our moves include a take down, move to the new home and re-install at the new house. If replacement parts or new anchors are needed this is additional. Call your local store to set this service up. See Contacts.

Need Help?

Our customer’s satisfaction is a big deal to us! We take great pride in providing the best support if needed for any reason. Please reach out to your local store with any concerns at all. Whether there were issues with your installation or just something you are not sure about they are there to help! See our numbers below to reach the store manager in which you purchased your equipment.

118 Route 17 North
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458

399 Rt 9 North
Freehold, NJ 07728
This location does NOT carry Sheds

18 Parker Ave
Rt 12 West
Flemington, NJ 08822